Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ducktales Reloaded

folks!! remember, Uncle Scruz?? ....well that was one of my favorite cartoon series on television...this is the acoustic version of famous ducktales song "zindagi toofani h" on acoustic performed by me yesterday night.Watch it, you're otherwise missing some good times.... :)      

Friday, September 9, 2011

once there was a man called "Obama bin Laden"

 click on the picture to enlarge... its a recall of the times of "osama bin laden " 

Monday, September 5, 2011


First of all, I want to thank all those people who read my posts or atleast go in agreement with the favor bank that I discussed earlier in the previous post.

So, the special thing about today’s post is that, the title has nothing to do with the content of post.
 It is like I was glancing through all posts on this blogger site and I saw a post titled “how to drive traffic to your blog.”

It says that more the no. of posts on your blog, more frequently you are to be found on the internet. Furthermore, it says that, look for the most frequently searched topics on the internet. It increases again; the discoverability of your blog.
So I googled the thing as, “most searched words on internet “.
With the numerous links appearing on the screen, I clicked the very first one and it displayed a list of most searched words on internet in the past 48 hours. So the facebook thing was on the 3rd or 4th I guess.  And I personally think this is the most searched thing on internet these days. Hence, the title is “Facebook” and nothing to do with the content or may be; everything to do, in the so called “traffic terms.”

 As now, I have discussed this bloody blunder thing with you guys. Let’s get back to our roots, for which I am here for, the writing.

3 days back, I returned from Delhi after 3 months, to my hometown; Dehradun. Coming home has always been a feeling as equivalent as a nirvanic ecstasy for every one of us.  And I think all of you agree with me on that.

Unlike Delhi, Dehradun is a much cooler place, with a moderate pace in daily life.          
It’s at its best during the rainy season, when everything appears green to your eye. It’s like you fall in love with it and want to spend your whole life here in peace and harmony with nature.
After a month or two I felt the strings of my guitar on my fingers. Music has been an integral part of my life from the college days, when I used to sit with my friends and played some bollywood numbers, but most of the time my own compositions. That was the golden period of my life.

When I started writing this post, I did not had the slightest intention of putting something on the internet. But sometimes you cannot withstand the tornado of thoughts overwhelming your mind. So finally I gave up, and was back on my blog.

Readers won’t find it much amusing, nor I. But yes it keeps your emotions flowing freely. And I think release of emotions is very necessary for an artist to bring his creation to perfection whether he is a writer, or a painter, or a musician and so on.
Art is not something based upon the complex mathematical or physical calculations. But it is something to do with heart and soul, to do with the flow.

So I sign off today, promising you some really good stuff next time. And yes, let me see how effective this idea of “Faceboook” proves to be. :)




Thursday, September 1, 2011

thE favoR baNk

Well yesterday, after my comeback on my blog, it was a feeling that sometimes i had meeting some old friend and having a sip of beer together, sitting in some nature park. So yesterday was a busy day and i felt like i have done something useful to myself. A bit of change in design of my blog. Some promotion of my latest post on facebook and other sites. 
Ahhhh!! "The Promotion"!!!
That reminds me of  something. Something, we all are used to in our daily life and something that i first read in one of  Paulo Coelho's books.
You know Coelho?? The author of the best seller "the alchemist"  Don't you?? 
Ok! Leave it. That's not something, i am here for. 

So i was telling you about "something". Well that something is something we call "The Favor Bank." 
Well "some of you" guys with that intuitive instinct might have got the idea what i am talking about and to "the rest" i can say only one thing read on........

Some of you must have noticed that "  " thing in my previous sentence. So to depress your curiousity folks, you can read the previous post on this blog, if you wanna dig it.

So before i tell you about "the favor bank." Let me make it lighter for you.

So yesterday evening when i did all that posting stuff, the next thing that was on my mind, was promotion. And i need not to tell you that "to be in the market, you need to be in the market". 
Woooh!! Well that was "mr. just in market cum philosopher."

So after some promotion on facebook , i moved to indiblogger.
Well its a site, that's all about this blogging thing. So i landed on this site and tried one of the most ancient techniques used by human civilization for promotion,"the favor bank".

So it is like, they have an updated list of  all the posts by different bloggers along with the content.
plus they have "share" buttons, "read more" buttons and so on. But the thing that is most appealing part of this site is "promote this post" button.  All you need to do is  just click on it and it opens a new tab on your browser window, and you can read the content written by so and so blogger and then you can promote it.

You might be thinking why should i be promoting someone else blog. So folks, here cometh the hero we were talking about earlier, "the favor bank". Now most of you must have got the idea  
what the hell is this favor bank is.
All you need to do is just promote someone blog, you will show up in his dashboard and if you're lucky enough, he turns on his face on your dashboard and there you have your customer. Well to be honest nobody reads your bull shit, just as same as the way you did it to him.. but yes the promotion thing does it all. It raises your popularity and there is more chances that someone really reads your content.    
And nothing to worry, the way works most of the time. hats off to  Mr. Newton for telling us that "what goes around comes around."  

i know!! i know!!
That was Jutsin Timberlake and not Newton. But it means the same thing in layman terms.
so here was "the favor bank", an integral part of our life.

So finally, all i want to say is, folks, can i have some of your favor? :-)