Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Science Behind Shiting

so what do you think, which is the best place in the world???..... A home??... A temple???...
A restaurant?? A fairly land??.. or an etc?? or  etc...or etc?? what is it??

Well it depends.... a baby or a priest or a man really in a bad hunger or a dreameror an etc or etc or etc.
so you have a place. Isn't  it??
But have you ever thought of a shitboard in your washroom to be one of them..
i mean it can be, like i said before, it depends. i get all the bloody good ideas sitting over there.
and i have termed this very place as "a thinker paradise."

so i was sitting on the shetboard watching the sunlight that  peeped in through a window and was drawing itself on the canvas called floor of the washroom. It reminded me of something,........ a childhood memory.

so i wont be boring you with memories, i mean all of us have that collection better than anyone.
Isn't it? 

So have you ever noticed that the most thought rush is at this very place, like a traffic jam caused by an accident...honk...honk...honk...
so there must be any reason. isn't it?? ....most obvious of them..."we are sitting ideal, so it is usual"..
well this may be the reason....and i believe it too.

but like i said a thought i discovered a scientific phenomenon behind it while i was at the same place. so here it goes.....

you must have heard that the things flow from high to low..or from an efficient place to deficient place..have you??  
ok then!! what happens actually is......

initially the mind and body and surrondings are  at pressure zone set to
P(Mind)+ P(Body)+P(Surrounding)=constant(K)...(also known as law of conservation of shiting)

the process starts the moment we pull down the pants or whatever...
then P(Body)>P(mind) ....(because we emphasis more on physical than on mental activity)

but like i said before 
P(Mind)+ P(Body)+P(Surrounding)=constant(K)
so in order to hold this law true..there is a rush of energy also called the cosmic shit....
As it enters the mind the cosmic shet is transformed into what we call thoughts...  the rate of thought is directly proportional to the rate of shiting, as you must have noticed that with a bad stomach you have problems with imagining things.

However an exceptional case of loose motion is there which is synonymous with a free fall..
in this case (1=>P(Mind)>0)  which means the person achieves single thoughtness state

In extreme cases P(mind) drops to 0 and is known as no thought state 
and P(Body) is at its peak value . This state is also known as the 
"Save me my lord state"  

so when P(Body)>P(Mind) then P(Mind)>P(Surrounding)  and this increase is such that it is always a constant(k). 
however when P(Surrounding) becomes less , it is compensated by the physical shit that we dump back into surroundings. 

Hence it also proves that the "shit can neither be created, nor can be destroyed, but can be converted from cosmic shit to physical one and vice-versa."

so now you agree to my point that a shitboard can be the best place for someone...
see i derived a law out of it termed as "law of conservation of shit."

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